BirthdayPak is a B to B sales business where you are calling on higher end businesses that cater to affluent women and providing a very unique advertising program that brings in a lot of new customers.  It is an extremely low cost business to start and offers the potential for very high recurring revenue for someone not afraid to get out there and call on businesses.  This year it is ranked #1 in it’s category by Entrepreneur Magazine.  Meet Lisa Linkowsky – owner of the BirthdayPak territory serving central New Jersey and Bucks County PA.

1.  Tell us about your background
Business professional with over 25 years experience. Background was mostly marketing and then later there was a sales element. Last job was as a Project Manager for over seven years. Mom of two. Married and have lived in NJ most of my life.
2. What was happening in your life that caused you to want to own a business?
 My second child was starting Kindergarten and I needed full-time employment but I did not want to go back to an office setting. I realized that I loved working autonomously and I also love all facets of business. I received a BirthdayPak in the mail and the marketer in me got the concept and I sent my resume hoping I could do remote work for them. BirthdayPak Corporate contacted me right away and told me that they were not hiring but asked if I would be interested in a franchise.
3. Why a franchise?
I was not considering franchising but then it fell into my lap. We literally did not know a single other person that owned a franchise. To own a brick and mortar in NJ is cost prohibitive and since I had been working part-time for close to ten years we did not have the means for a startup.
4. Why BirthdayPak  – did you look at any other options?
BirthdayPak started mailing to my area and that is how I received it. Truly kismet!!
5.  What was the biggest surprise when you opened your business?
Six years ago it was still very difficult for small business owners to get a loan in NJ. The recession was still alive and well in NJ. I was fortunate enough to get one from my personal bank but could not get one from any savings and loans even though I had impeccable credit.
6. What would you have done differently now that you know what you know?
Enjoy the ride a little more and panic a little less. I am very hard on myself and if things were not falling into place when I thought they should it would get me riled up. Now I have learned that it all falls into place as it should if you do the work!!!
7. What’s the best thing about owning your own business?
The ability to still have the focus be on my kids first and foremost and then build a business around that focus.So if I want to take half a day and go to a school event I can or if my kids are sick I can stay home and not panic about childcare. I don’t want anything to interfere with that.
8. What’s next for you?
I recently hired an independent sales representative and she has the option to purchase a portion of my area that is farther away from me that I just haven’t gotten to and at this time is not up and running.
Curious about owning your own business but not sure how you’d pay for it?  Download our free ebook on funding your franchise here.